About Andy


Experience Matters

Andy Williams Jr is an abolitionist, community advocate, social entrepreneur, and statesman. Williams was born enslaved at Copley Hospital in Aurora, Illinois. Unlike many other enslaved Americans, Williams was separated from his biological mother at the age of two. He would be raised by his German stepmother until the age of twelve. From there he would join a gang, become a drug dealer, and go to prison. He would later be institutionalized in a Mental Health Facility in Elgin, Illinois.
Williams would go on to change his life after applying what he learned by reading the blueprint, from Gangster Disciple to Growth and Development. He would then evolve to become an ordained minister and community advocate. He advocated for people’s unalienable rights that grew from his own life experiences. He was personally affected by the 2008 financial crisis in which he fought for thirteen years against the banks for their role in the meltdown.
In 2018, Andy lost his brother to an opioid overdose, and in 2019, his childhood friend was the mass shooter at Henry Pratt in Aurora, Illinois. Williams has been the subject of pretextual traffic stops, housing discrimination, unfair taxation, as well judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. On July 21, 2021, Williams filed suit [against The United States Government] in the Northern District of Illinois, himself as claimant, representing a class composed of Aboriginal, Indigenous, and marginalized people who are imprisoned, and subjected to forced labor.

Williams Vision for America is to abolish modern-day and to “create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community. The role of Government is to protect the rights of the people and their property and the way to do that is when we stand united as the people.

The President’s job description is in Article II, Section 1, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution. Williams promises to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States of America, and will, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. When you cast your ballot this election, vote for experience because it matters.


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